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Life Jacket
Lifejacket Ultrasafe (USPJA)
Ultra Safe Life Jacket
Model : USPJA For Adults
Weight -1 kg
Buoyancy - 193N
Body Weight - 43 kg +
Approvals : IR Class Approved (IRS Approved )
Marine Industry , Central & state Government Disaster Management Department Sports.
Tourism And Recreational Industry.
Life jacket Manufactured Under the above models are tested fully in conformance to the requirements
of MSC 81 (70), MSC 200 (80),
MSC 207(81) and MSC 201(81)and IMO (MSC) Regulations.
All life jackets are Produced and certified According to the update MSC.200 regulation and according to ISO9001:2015.
USPJA Designed to fit Persons weighing up to 140kg and
with a chest girth of up to 1750mm without the need for additional item or extension.
We mainly cater to clients from Gujarat.